Be Confident

Move Forward

Open the door to possibilities


Don't let outside forces decide your fate.
Not deciding is stressful.
Avoid the regret of making the wrong decision.

Feel confident to make the right decision

Recognize fear-mongering mental chatter vs your inspiring voice of wisdom.
Move forward with clarity, focus, and ease.

Trusted By

Jeff SchneiderL.C.S.W.

With compassion, insight, skill, and patience Karen has consistently helped me to heal from various traumas and deep rooted core challenges. As a result, I am calmer and more relaxed and more accepting of things as they are. These results have also helped me to run my counseling practice more efficiently and to increase my income.

Joanne Masters

Karen has an incredibly professional and natural coaching presence. She enables her clients to experience powerful insights through her exceptional skills in deep listening, genuine empathy, and insightful questioning. It has been a privilege to work with her and I can’t recommend her coaching skills highly enough.

How Coaching Works

1. Book a Discovery Call

We'll talk about the big decision and what is getting in the way of making it. We'll see if working together is the best option for you.

2. Gain Clarity through Coaching

Learn how to find your way out of the indecision fog.

3. Confidently Take Action

All decisions come with action. Experience more focus and ease while taking action.

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Tips and tweaks to improve any area of your life.

Using Fear as Motivation

Several years ago, I remember being struck by an article I read called Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.  The #1 regret – I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me – sometimes haunts me when I feel time slipping by.  But …

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