Hi, I'm Karen Kwasnowski

– a mindset coach, mother, wife, outdoor enthusiast, and adventure seeker, dedicated to supporting you to live a life you love.

A Little of My Story

It’s taken me a long time to get here!  For most of my life, I had no idea what I wanted to do for my career.  I had no idea what I wanted to major in in college.  I didn’t even know whether or not I wanted kids, and parenting is my all-time favorite job.  I was fine just going with the flow.  But you know when someone says “I’m fine”, what they really seem to be saying is “I can bear it”.

Bearing things in life took a toll on my health and my relationships.

It all came to a head in my early forties.  I came down with debilitating health symptoms that my doctors couldn’t figure out.  After four months of feeling like a shell of a human, getting no answers, and barely being able to parent my two young kids, I turned to alternative providers.  I drastically changed my diet and started learning about emotions, mindset, and ancient energy practices for healing.

Working with several coaches and doing a lot of work on my own, I started feeling better.  Within eighteen months I felt better than I had my whole life.  I had no idea how tired, anxious, and depressed I had felt most of my life until I didn’t anymore.

Needless to say, I was hooked. I was completely enamored with my results and I felt so empowered.  

I kept learning.  I travelled for workshops.  I earned certifications to help people process and rewire emotional learning from past events.  I started working with clients part-time in 2016 while I continued to work in my role as co-owner of a successful mapping business. 

Most of the time I spent working in my mapping business, I listened to experts talk about emotional intelligence, relationships, psychology, and communication.  These are the topics that excite me and that I want to share with others.  

In 2022 I decided to step away from the mapping business so I could focus on supporting others to live their best life full-time.  I enrolled in a rigorous life coach training program and hired a mentor to help me be even more skillful and effective when helping others. 

I’ve experienced the power of coaching myself and I feel so honored and privileged to get to share the power of coaching with others.

Thanks for reading and I hope you find something helpful to take with you.

My Coaching Process

1. We Work Together

My job is to partner with you and provide a safe space for you to see what you want to create in your life. I support you to get clear on your vision and why it's important to you.

2. We get to the root of any challenges

We look at the challenges that get in the way of you consistently taking action toward your goals and dreams. You learn powerful tools and mindsets that help you get past the things that normally stop you.

3. You take authentic action

Once you have clarity on what is important to you and what has been getting in the way, you will see what step to take next. You'll experience more confidence and ease the more often you take authentic action.

My Mission is to help you:

  • See yourself as whole, complete, and acceptable as you are
  • To be empowered in all areas of your life
  • Connect deeply
  • Overcome obstacles 
  • Live life on your terms
  • Have more clarity, focus, ease, and grace

 Efua D

Karen always brings a natural calm into our coaching conversations, patiently listening and working along side with me makes me look forward to our sessions.

 Lisa J

Karen is a very kind, generous, and insightful person. She listens with an open heart and mind, and is totally present. With her directed guidance, she allows you to come to your own awareness regarding your specific goals. I highly recommend Karen!